Oct 06, 2022
We have syndicates of corruption across all institutions - Brig Isoke

We have syndicates of corruption across all institutions - Brig Isoke
WAKISO - ;The head of the State House Anti-Corruption Unit (SHACU), Brig. Gen. Henry Isoke, has disclosed that corruption in Uganda was deeply syndicated across all public institutions and expressed the need for all security agencies to resort to sophisticated intelligence to net the culprits.
He called upon the Internal Security Organization (ISO), the Criminal Investigations Directorate (CID) and other intelligence agencies to collaborate and work as a team in order to deal with corruption in the civil service institutions. ;
“I call upon all the intelligence groups to apply intelligence-led operations in the fight against corruption in all government institutions,” he said.
Brig. Isoke was last week, September 21, 2022, presenting a lecture to the ISO recruits about the fight against corruption at the Institute of Intelligence and Security Studies at Entebbe.
He emphasized the role of intelligence in identifying gaps in the country's fight against corruption, giving his personal experience while serving at various institutions including the Uganda Wildlife Authority and the Uganda Revenue Authority. ;
He said he assisted these institutions in establishing strong intelligence gathering systems, which he said have since been used to improve the operations of these government units. ;
He noted that ISO had been a useful resource in the fight against corruption through generating intelligence information on the syndicated corruption in the government ministries, departments and agencies, which he said had become a force multiplier in the fight against the vice.
By collaborating to seek justice, he said, SHACU and ISO were helping to disrupt corruption networks in government institutions and help in maintaining control over government officials, particularly the corrupt at the local government level. ;
He also emphasized the importance of cross-agency cooperation as a means of preventing and combating all corruption cases while promoting improved public service delivery. ;
The function was attended by the deputy director general of ISO, Lt. Col. Emmy Katabazi who informed the trainees that the training they were undertaking would enhance the organization’s human resource capacity.
He reminded officers that they would be the foundation of information collection on corrupt tendencies across all levels of government, which he said was key in supporting development efforts in the country.
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